tomatoes on potatoes?


Well-Known Member
so today my women and I were checking out my taters in the garden and she says to me look there's tomatoes growing off the potato plant..
I was baffald, I've grown potatoes off and on for years and never have I seen this happen. so I got on line and looked it up and to my surprise potatoes do grow green like tomatoes or " fruit" .. turns out these are the seeds .. potatoes flower and some time Will produre fruit but it's not that common anymore..
both the potato and tomato are in the same nightshade family. but unlike tomatoes these fruit are toxic/poisonous 0920171532.jpgPART95150593627031195IMG952017092095153629.jpg 0920171532.jpg
the most desirable thing here is all that leaf shit

lying to waste between them spuds and toms

bag allow to sit over winter for the spring canna germs

good luck
yeah, it's fall here so there a lot of leaves coming down. I compost them after I mulch them and bag them with my riding mower
Potatoes are prized because they grow a lot of calories per acre, more than most other plants. Increasing this further by having the same plant grow tomatoes above ground is a fascinating possibility.
im confused :dunce: so i understand its in the night shade family so is that actually a tamato so it woukd taste like tomato but its technecelly a potato so other than seeds is the tomato part edible