tomtato??? wtf


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  • TomTato™

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[h=1]TomTato™[/h] [h=2]Solanum lycopersicum, Solanum tuberosum[/h] Half-hardy Annual
  • Harvest both tomatoes AND potatoes from this unique plant!
  • Incredible innovation in vegetable growing
  • All natural - no GM
Here’s another major horticultural breakthrough from Thompson & Morgan! Specially hand-grafted plants producing potatoes AND tomatoes are now available to UK home gardeners for the first time. Above the ground harvest more than 500 cherry tomatoes with a Brix level of 10.2 - that's sweeter than supermarket tomatoes. Fruits also have just the right level of acidity that only the tastiest tomatoes have.

BUT THAT’S NOT ALL... Below the ground harvest heavy yields of delicious white potatoes which are incredibly versatile. You can boil them, mash them, roast them or make chips. That's right! From one plant you can harvest tomatoes AND potatoes. This concept has been worked on for over 15 years, but this is the first time that plants have been successfully produced commercially. Tomatoes are members of the potato family and are therefore naturally compatible with potatoes. Each TomTato™ plant is specially grafted by hand to create this unique double cropping feature. There's no genetic modification - it's an all-natural, and safe process.

Plants come with growing and aftercare instructions. (Not that you'll really need them - these plants are so easy to grow!) Grow them indoors or outdoors, in a patio pot, on your allotment or on the vegetable patch.
Is that how they make grapples?

Apple that taste like a grape. Although that is probably just genetics and breeding.

What else could you graft??? Bananas and strawberries??? A smoothie tree :hump:
Holly Shit!!!! Just had a breakthrough.... Cannabis and Hops (used in beer making) are closely related. Could you graft cannabis to Hops to make them produce thc or do they grow as two separate plants together? lol That sounds wierd but I think it makes sense.
Holly Shit!!!! Just had a breakthrough.... Cannabis and Hops (used in beer making) are closely related. Could you graft cannabis to Hops to make them produce thc or do they grow as two separate plants together? lol That sounds wierd but I think it makes sense.
i saw a article on it once it stated that the thc is produced in glands on the plants surface and the roots are just roots basically kinda paraphrasing a bit obviously
Holly Shit!!!! Just had a breakthrough.... Cannabis and Hops (used in beer making) are closely related. Could you graft cannabis to Hops to make them produce thc or do they grow as two separate plants together? lol That sounds wierd but I think it makes sense.

The hops would not produce thc
Is that how they make grapples?

Nope, that's something different. A graft would be grape vines growing from an apple trunk.
They've been doing it with fruit trees for a long time, like grafting a more desirable apple variety to a hardier trunk. Grafting a mature branch (scion) to a younger, juvenile stalk will will fruit much earlier than it would naturally.

If you walk around the local garden center, you'll see lots of 'em.
Seems like kind of a waste to do it for an annual, though...but what do I know ?