my thoughts exactly, seriouslly, lol, i was going to say the exact same thing in those exact same words.what do the trics say?
there are amber and cloudy trichs. but the hairs are still whitemy thoughts exactly, seriouslly, lol, i was going to say the exact same thing in those exact same words.
trichomes are more important than the hair color when determining harvest time. thats what you should go with.
ready to go!there are amber and cloudy trichs. but the hairs are still white
Actually trichs changing colors is a chemical process "decarboxilization" fancy word for drying. It is very much a biochemical process of the plant and not strain specific. Trichome size and shape are strain specific, this is why sativas will have longer thinner trichomes where Indicas will have shorter and fatter trichomes. Certian Indica varities were actually developed strictly to make hash with due to their specific trichome telln ya, flavor and overall ripeness has nothing to do with trichs. the trichs turning amber/cloudy is in the genetics. once a certain amount turn amber they will stop, depending on the genetics, and the buds will continue to ripen.