Too early flowering, help! answer is needed


Active Member

I've been stupid enough to forget to change my light schedule to atleast 18 hours per day. For 12 days the plants has been showered with only 10 hours a day, and now one of the plants are starting to show flowering tendencies. This can be a mayor setback and im worried that they will hold on to flowering. Is it possible to correct the light schedule in this state? and change back to vegative? or should i just start over.. those horrible words.


Well-Known Member
How old are the plants? People put plants into flower and reveg all the time for sexing purposes. Why did you have your veg lights set at 10 hours, I'm guessing from last run. My self I'd switch the lights and watch things carefully. Or you could just flower.


Well-Known Member
You can still reveg, I would give the plant 24 hours of light starting right now. Give them two weeks to adjust back and then continue vegging on an 18/6 schedule from there, and plan on vegging for at least a month to avoid complications. Why did you have plants in veg under 10 hours anyhow, this is a weird mistake. Good luck all the same. This is fixable it will just take some time.


Well-Known Member
that happened to one of my clones she was under 12/12 for about a week maybe 2 until I was able to get her under 18/6 shes doing good LST and fimd her yesterday the pic in the solo cup is while she was in 12/12 I do have a question tho shes only growing single leafs when she first started as you can see she was doing normal leafs now its singles will this covert back



Active Member
Thank you all for your information, much appreciated!

It seems like the red line of information points at turning the lights back on to 24 hours.

How old are the plants? People put plants into flower and reveg all the time for sexing purposes. Why did you have your veg lights set at 10 hours, I'm guessing from last run. My self I'd switch the lights and watch things carefully. Or you could just flower.
They are 12 days old. So i guess it should work out to put the lights on for 24 h? If they are put into flowering one would think they wouldn't give that much yield. I dont know but i would like to continue the original plan. Haha and yeah you nailed the reason for this problem, spot on hahah. Ty for your reply :)

I would just flower them out. Revegged bud is sometimes a little funky.
Didn't know that, ty :)

that happened to one of my clones she was under 12/12 for about a week maybe 2 until I was able to get her under 18/6 shes doing good LST and fimd her yesterday the pic in the solo cup is while she was in 12/12 I do have a question tho shes only growing single leafs when she first started as you can see she was doing normal leafs now its singles will this covert back
Im obviously not an expert and my guess is that since your plant went into flowering, those flowering sections reconstructs those areas. I wouldn't be that alarmed, allthough it is good to look these things up. Btw good to know that im not the only one, gl hf :)


In other thoughts, one of the plants have a flowering-looking top ---->1.jpg
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