too early to flush?


Well-Known Member
hi again every1, plz dont get tired of all my questions(3rd one today) i feel like i have to get the riu advice before i do anything serious. Im thinking about flushing all my babies. I have 32 right now. Im using scotts potting soil so its not the greatest. I also have some fox farm nutes, soi figured it would be good to flush the shit out of it and give them all ff nutes instead of whatever scotts has in it. Sound like a good plan? Flushing this soon wont shock them too much will it?
Also, im worried about there growth, ifu read my posts before srry for repeating myself. But they are only few days old, i took out the cfls and put in 150watt hps, and they stopped growing.... so i moved he light back, and im hoping flushing might get them growing again? i hope there not stunted. Ive read post aboutpeople with stunted plants and it seems like such a waste of time to deal with them.

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Well-Known Member
your putting to much into this the plants probally stopped growing from heat stress or shock

put your cfl in closer to the plants get a smaller fan and point it slightly at them maybe not pointing right at them there pretty stretched

I dont give my plant any nute untill there a month old just whats in the soil so it up to you to flush or not might help them out


Well-Known Member
Dont go to crazy on them. just give them plain water, and let them have lots of light. I dont think ull have a mold problem unless that room gets sealed and the humidity goes past 60%. Or you go crazy with water spraying and get your walls really wet. My setup looks exactly like yours I havnt had a problem. Maybe transplant now to better soil?