too good to be true??


im looking at these hydroponic systems on ebay and im finding theses little complete systems for $40 shipped to my house.

any one have any input on these?? do they work? are they worth $40? how much can i actually yeild if it does work? any other comments? thanks:leaf:
click here for the one im looking at


Well-Known Member
I've never ordered one of these but if you could find something similar with a larger tote(deeper) it looks like it would work just fine. What is in there is essentially the same type of thing you would get from stealth hydro. The tote is definitely too shallow though, the plants would dry that thing up in a day once they get big.


Active Member
Fine for cloning but you can just built that thing. All it is is a rubber maid tub with some holes cut into the lid and an air pump.