Too hot Hydro grow


Well-Known Member
I have some scrawny looking clones I got, and have been "learning". Right now their issue is the top leaves are tacoing slightly. Is that mean they're too close to the 400 HPS? I use a Hydro top water drip system and have them on watering 24/7. I burned them pretty bad with nutes last week so they took a 3 day "rinse" of Ph balanced water. Now I'm slowly introducing nutes into their every other day of watering. Just trying to figure out what the taco shaped leaves are trying to tell me. The light is not very hot to the back of my hand even above the plants so I wouldn't think it was too close.


Well-Known Member
I had a similar problem when I started. you can check out my waterfarm journal.

Im my case it was the water. I was using tap. Now I only use distilled water and I know what I am feeding them.


Well-Known Member
I'm still using tap, but am lowering the PH value before i give it to them. My ppm is high like yours was. I think I'm going to give the 3 one hour watering sessions during light phase a try.


Well-Known Member
Is the tacoing of leaves because of too high Ph int he water, or is it becuase the light is too close?


Well-Known Member
They're curling up.

I've been able to find posts that say it could be:
1. heat - so I've raised the light and used some LST techniques to lower the plant height
2. mg def. caused by too high of a ph - I think this might be the issue as my ph is noticeably higher then I'm targeting. I'll be switching to buying distilled water for the next week to see how that goes.