Too late to plant?


Basically.. I had a healthy plant but slugs basically ate the WHOLE thing!!

Just wondering if its too late to buy another seed now and get a little harvest in a few weeks time (One seed says you can harvest after 60 days) Or will i just have to wait til after the winter now?

(Im from North England)


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Active Member
being from northern England, i would say its probably too late. You MIGHT get away with a real quick auto, but it would be close.


Active Member
hey sorry to hear about your predicament with the slugs those slimey bastards....
unfortunately its too late to grow outdoors - well you could bring it in, that would be the only way to finish if you start now.
grab some grade b black molasses for the next one, the plant gets lots of minerals from it and it makes the smoke sweeter.


Active Member
Go indoors ! haha. Its never too late for an artificial cycle brotha. i suggest a low profile stealth cfl grow if youre trying to keep a secret. Check my thread, for ideas