Too late to trim?

the dragon killa

Active Member
I am growing in soil and my girls are 27 days into flowering. I am growing some very tall sativa's that are going to have a bunch of very small buds if I dont trim off some branches. Is it too late to trim off some lower branches?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hi dragon...

why do you want to trim the branches?

are you going to make clones?


picture please... don't be embarrassed... many of us have grown the tall 3 foot sativa with less than 1/4 of dank..... as our first plant...

I thik mine only had 1/8 and I was using 4- four foot fluors.. vertically... LOL



Well-Known Member
I would go for it. I am sure you are talking about the little shit branches that will not amount to anything. It will take 10 or 14 weeks for them to finish so ya have plenty of time for the plant to recover if ya stress it a little.


Well-Known Member
i always cut the bottom to 1/3 up of the ones that arent going to be really good. so yes and right up till