too much light?


Active Member
I'm currently growing on floros but I don't think they are putting off enough light. so I "acquired" 2x 400w metal halides.

my question is.. should I use both of them, or just 1?

the room is 12.5square feet and there are 12 plants.


Well-Known Member
yes definaty use both, keep in mind electric cost and if they are not plug and play make sure u do good wire and prevent any "accident" but 2 400watt is what u need for 12 plants. not more than 12 tho. in my opinion


Well-Known Member
also they do say hps bulbs are better for flowering than metal halide but not mandetory, somthing to think about.

metal halide is the best for veggin


Well-Known Member
hey keep in mind thos lights are hot so if your plants are still babies dont put them too close to the plants. when the plants are ready for the full blast dont put the light any closer than 8 inches to the plant but, u wanna keep it as close as possible with hurting the plant


Active Member
the plants are about 8 inches tall, so do you think that they are ready for the "full-blast"?

the balast says it's aproved for MH, Pulse start MH, and HPS, so i think I'm gonna invest in some HPS bulbs when they're ready for flowering.


Well-Known Member
sounds good man. set both of the lights up and veg the fuck out of them. they are ganna go apeshit once they see that blue of the mh. how many nodes do they have and how old are they?