Too much or Too little nutrients???


Active Member
This is my first time growing hyrdo. I have a bubbler system and I just got my clones about 3 days ago. the clones (i would say) are about 2 weeks old. I got them in 1 inch rockwool cubes and the roots were just starting to come through the rockwool. My bubbler system is about 5 gallons and i have two foot long airstones. The first nutrient I bought was EarthJuice 2-1-1 for the veg cycle. It says for a normal mix...put 1 tbsp for each gallon. But everywhere on the internet it says only put about half the recomended dosage. So I put 3 tbsp in my 5 gallon system. In the past day and a half some of the leaves are starting to turn yellow. Too much or too little nutrients?!?!?! Or is nutrients not the problem at all?


Active Member
often changing from cfl to hps lights will cause leaves to go yellow they should green up in cple days if they stay yellow u cld give them a small amount of nitrigen
hope this helps happy growing