Too much weed - need ideas


Well-Known Member

I have more than 600gr in my stash right now - all for personal use only, from few grows, few strains.
Also I have a ready butter, box of edibles, RSO (almost don't use it)
I can't give too much to my friends without get them suspicious (nobody know I grew - btw currently I am not growing anymore)

I only vape and do edibles from time to time, I am a night user, less than 0.2 gr per day...
I do like to use the trichome that fell during the trim, so I thought about dry ice hash since its close to it.

What do you think guys?
Any Ideas what to do with this amount of weed? (beside "send it to me" lol)


I have more than 600gr in my stash right now - all for personal use only, from few grows, few strains.
Also I have a ready butter, box of edibles, RSO (almost don't use it)
I can't give too much to my friends without get them suspicious (nobody know I grew - btw currently I am not growing anymore)

I only vape and do edibles from time to time, I am a night user, less than 0.2 gr per day...
I do like to use the trichome that fell during the trim, so I thought about dry ice hash since its close to it.

What do you think guys?
Any Ideas what to do with this amount of weed? (beside "send it to me" lol)

Make a bunch of coconut oil caps and store them for long term use. Easy, potent and your burps taste like coconuts.
Sounds like a horrible problem to have. Have you ever made a Green Dragon tincture? Cold soak decarbed weed for 30 days with Everclear. I'm a fan! Good luck!


I have too much oil that I don't use...
BTW I peffer edibles, from some reason the oil start to work only after few hours for me.. 3, even 4 hours! even that I eat something.
And again, I have oil.. more than enough...

Looking for other ideas
Also, hard to keep it for long term.. I put all in jars and with humidity packs. I hope that will be good for 2-3 years.
I guess there is no reason for you to grow weed at all then using those amounts, having no one to gift it to unless you wanna do it for the money. Lol ‍

I don't agree, it was fun!
And I got the strains I wanted, as I wanted, learned a lot

In term of amount use, you are right, but there is a lot more in it.
But no I stopped.
One cycle in a year is enough for the fun.
But since I was very good harvest, what can I do with all that weed...
Sounds like a horrible problem to have. Have you ever made a Green Dragon tincture? Cold soak decarbed weed for 30 days with Everclear. I'm a fan! Good luck!

Green dragon made like this does seem to have a pretty long shelf life. I’ve got about a pint of 8 year old Everclear tincture at the back of my liquor cab that is still potent in small doses. No real idea of how the THC/CBD etc. fractions have changed. Definitely keeps longer than flower and is more psychoactive than 3-5 year old jarred weed of the same strain.

It settles out over time and has to be mixed back up. I’m not real keen on the smell either, but it seems to keeps longer than anything else I’ve done to excess bud over the years. YMMV.

Cheers to a good problem for a change!
-Cat :joint::twisted:
Make some hash? Given that you like edibles, it might be a good way to store that much, with the low consumption rates I would be a good way to get the volume of material down to a smaller amount that stores indefinitely.

Edit: meant...yeah, making it into hash as you are planning seems like the best bet.
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