Too trim or not too trim?


Active Member

I have 2 AK-74 fem auto plants growing in DWC and they are about a month old. They're growing beside each other and both have a different light above them. One has a HLG-65 V2 and the other has an HLG QB96 V2 (started 50% now at 75%). I'm assuming due to the power difference, the plant with the QB96 is much bushier and has more roots.

I've done some reading on the forum and seen some people say to trim bushier plants down. I'm curious if I should be trimming the plant down and if so, which branches should I target? Any other suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Autos generally don't take kindly to trimming depending in the strain...can stunt them...and impact your crop size.

Try Low stress training (google) or pony-tailing to try to get light to the lower branches as it develops

Good luck