Too wet!!!!! Help me jesus!!!! Help me tom cruise!!!!!


So I have my buds in the curing stage. Before they got there, they felt dryish, and were able to be smoked. I feel like I started the cure with just the right amount of moisture. I had to be away for a few days, so I wasn't able to air my goods out for the 10 mins a day that I needed to. Just opened them now and they are super moist!!!!! Has a menthol/hay/weed smell to it. How should I dry them up from here and how long? Should I go the bag method? Or should I leave them in the jars with the lid off? How long should I let them dry/air out? Please answer ASAP. BUMP BUMP YO!!!! In case it's relative it's only an ounce and a half.


Well-Known Member
if you have a hygrometer that will fit into the jar....check and see whats its humidity level is after a few hours in the jar....if it over 70% or more its still to wet...65% and under its almost in the cure zone....55% and its too dry...try and get it between 65-60% humidity and your in the cure zone and it can be stored for months with no chance of mold


BBBBBBBBBUUUMMMMPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!! Thanks a bunch guys!!!! Damn thats a great idea caro. Makes a lot of sense.


Hey good to know. I was keeping the environment at 50% humidity. Good to know it needs to be a hair higher. Thanks.