Took 70% of my cash and put it into the stock market


Well-Known Member
Bought 15 stocks and these 6 stocks NVDA, CMG, ZM, SHOP, CVNA, NFLX make up 75% of my portfolio... I went a lot of technology stocks that have been beaten down the las 6-8 months.. Thoughts??
would've been a good move a couple years ago but its a sellers market right now. Everything in my area is getting in bidding wars with cash buyers and selling above asking price. Its insane.

Oh yeah, you gotta go way off the beaten path for investment property.
Personally, I don't think NFLX is going to gain any more subscribers, it was a Pandemic thing that spiked it, and now that it's over... I don't see that many going back. People are cutting out some of the niceties to afford to fill up thier vehicles.
NVDA: Showing a strong sell off, but the 12 month projection looks good.. strong buy.
CMG: Although they took a beating during thier recall, it's recovered. It's a hold. Very expensive tho.
ZM: This is another victim of the Pandemic. Strong during, and fell off post covid. I see ZM as the "My Space" of Social Media, and it will prob have the same fate.
CVNA: Even after a 13.2% loss today, I think this may be a good long hauler. Unfortunately, during this silicone chip shortage, it did create an inflated value in the used car market. The problem with this is, as chips become available again, the used car market will stabilize. BUT! they have already invested in their current inflated inventory. This could be a disaster for thier profits as they come into a more stabilized used car market, and prices come down. This should be fairy short term tho, and is why I say it will be a good long term investment.

That'll be $50 consult fee sir.
2 years ago was a great time to invest in Energy stocks... Halliburton (got mine at $6) Chevron, Chesapeake, Exxon, Marathon Oil, etc. The gains over the past 2 years have been upwards of 560%. Oil had hit a negative -$38 for a few hours back then, and have recently hit 14 year highs. Although oil has simmered the past week and a half, so have those energy stocks, but not by much. I think the Ukraine deal is making investors nervous, as well as Fed rate hike fears throughout other sectors.
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CVNA: Even after a 13.2% loss today, I think this may be a good long hauler. Unfortunately, during this silicone chip shortage, it did create an inflated value in the used car market. The problem with this is, as chips become available again, the used car market will stabilize. BUT! they have already invested in their current inflated inventory. This could be a disaster for thier profits as they come into a more stabilized used car market, and prices come down. This should be fairy short term tho, and is why I say it will be a good long term investment.

CVNA has been unable to make a profit in one of the best used car markets ever! As the market cools off, it wont get any easier for them to make money.
carvana has tanked too. The way tech stocks have been absolutely dumping after earnings reports, i'm thinking of buying some FB puts for tomorrows ER but it seems like too obvious of a move.
Lol...FB is up 13% after hours on their ER. Really glad i did not buy those puts. phew