Story time!!!
So the very last rave I went to, which was many moons ago, had a secret location since the fire marshalls had been shutting them all down pulling the maximum occupancy card. We parked at a drug store then several vans were car pooling people to the venue. The van we got was dubbed "the tool van" because the guy driving said he didn't even like raves and was doing this as a favor and as such he was playing nothing but Tool. I didn't even even know what Tool was at the time. The rave didn't have any big headliners but it was still a good time. Sadly this rave marked a turning point in the lives of my group of friends. Half of us went to the rave and had a good time. The other half stayed at our buddy's house and, unbeknownst to us, tried heroin for the first time. The friends that came to the rave are all doing great and I still talk to a couple of them. Every single friend that stayed to do the heroin is either dead, in jail or on the streets. Sadly most are dead.