Top 3 Medical CBD Strains


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Top 3 Medical CBD Strains

By: Brandon Lee

Marijuana plant use has become more socially acceptable in American culture in the last few years given its ability to treat many medical conditions.

23 states and the District of Columbia having legalized it in some form or another after significant results in patient treatment. Specific Cannabinoids are targeting various ailments in clinical patients with success throughout the U.S.

Medical Research and Cannabinoid Isolation

With current medical marijuana legalization, top medicinal research and testing in the field has expanded to show the viability of the plant to slow, and possibly even cure diseases, as well as treat many other ailments both physical and neurological in patient suffering.

This research concludes significant medical outcomes in the plants properties having been administered for pain management as well as a reversal of chronic illnesses and diseases including seizures, multiple sclerosis (MS), muscle and eating disorders, among many others, including most recently its viability to slow and cease cancer cells.

With this being said, medical scientists are coming to understand marijuana’s impact on health at a remarkable level and just how valuable the range of patient treatments are available by administration of the medicine over other pharmaceutical drugs.


Researchers are also suggesting that the side effects of other drugs are often far worse than those of marijuana, especially addictive pain medications such as oxycontin, morphine, and other opiate-based narcotics that are difficult to come off of without withdrawal symptoms.

Researchers state that there are over 85 cannabinoids in the marijuana plant, all having different effects on the body and mind and with varying properties that are enhancing how doctors treat patient illness today.

With this new information, marijuana growers are learning how to make individual cannabinoids easier to isolate by specific plant breeding techniques so they can create specific plant strains that fit desired patient treatment.

One major breakthrough in today’s medical field of marijuana is the isolation of cannabidiol (CBD) – a cannabinoid that is believed to have more medically significant potential in patient illness and disease treatment than the psychotropic, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

Breakthrough [CBD]

Cannabidiol is seen to be an anticonvulsant and is being used to treat rare forms of epilepsy including Dravet Syndrome which is intractable and occurs at infancy.

CBD is also being shown to have anti-psychotic effects in the treatment of mental illnesses including schizophrenia, and research shows that it has counteractive functionality, working against the psychoactive effects of THC. This would conclude its possibility to work against mental deficiency such as forms of mental psychosis, delusions, and delirium, as well as hallucinations such as those seen in schizophrenic episodes. CBD is also seen to fight the negative side-effects of THC including memory impairment and paranoia.

Cannabidiol is also an anti-inflammatory agent that fights against autoimmune diseases. These including rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, celiac sprue, vitiligo, pernicious anemia, scleroderma, psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease, and many more.


CBD and THC both contains antioxidants which are found in fruits and vegetables and are necessary to the body for good health and to lower risk of diseases such as cancer, stroke, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s. Cannabidiol is also found to have significant properties in mental and physical health working as an anxiolytic/antidepressant and an anti-tumor/anti-cancer medicine.

These amazing new medical discoveries are reshaping just how we view cannabis in society today, and the more we learn about the effects of the various cannabinoids and how they work on the mind and body individually, the closer we will come to curing previously untreatable psychological and physical ailments for future generations. This is all the more reason why the plant should be studied and tested without false stigma and negative implications.

In looking specifically at CBD strains and their fascinating characteristics for healing potential, I decided to seek out some of the top strains available today. This is what I discovered:

Charlotte’s Web

This sativa strain was designed for medical purposes to fight against epileptic seizures. It contains 20% CBD and only a trace amount of THC at less than .5%. It was named after Charlotte, a 3-year-old girl diagnosed with the rare epileptic condition called Dravet syndrome that no other medication could help control due to her young age.

This strain was bred by the Stanley brothers and made into an oil-based extract so that she could be given the proper dosage, without psychoactive onset, and with great success, the medication worked in treating her condition. The Stanley Brothers run a non-profit called Realm of Caring and are now legally shipping the cannabidiol oil extract across all 50 states to combat epilepsy and other illnesses. This is possible because the level of THC is so low that it passes food law and federal hemp legislation, making it a top choice product on the list of CBD medicinal healing.

In trying Charlotte’s Web as a recreational user, I had a relaxed uplifted mood and was very focused for my daily task without feeling that hazy, zoned-out head change that many THC sativa strains give. The effects were very body oriented with a clear head. The taste was very earthy, accented with a lot of piney flavor.


This high CBD strain is a cross bred hybrid of two top-end CBD rich strains, Harlequin x Sour Tsunami. Harle-Tsu has a 20:1 ration, being 20 parts CBD to 1 part THC. In top grows it has boasted between 20 – 24% CBD, some of the highest on the market today.

Harle-Tsu is a highly recommended strain by marijuana doctors for those seeking relief from chronic pain, stress, and inflammatory disorders. While the onset of administration is energetic and mellow there wasn’t a notable stoned feeling or racy paranoia associated with the high. The buzz was anxiety free with a full body effect after about 15 to 20 minutes. The strain is also useful for sleep and relaxation, with notes of spice and pine.

Tora Bora

A cross breed between L.A. Confidential and X18 Pure Pakistani, this is a 99% indica dominant strain reported to have weighed in at 14.5% CBD and 6% THC. This one makes our list for its high CBD and reasonable THC level, which we only recommend for the veteran smoker. This bud is beneficial in chronic pain relief and sleep insomnia. The buds tend to be blue in coloration and with very earthy and pungent notes of spice as well as taste. The Tora Bora plant is rising in popularity with a quick grow time of 8-9 weeks.
Hi ! I live in Turkey and i want to reach Harle-Tsu seeds.Do you have any advice about where can i supply this strain from web ?
This is what Info I found on that strain , Good Luck ,



Harle-Tsu – This high cannabidiol (CBD) strain was originally developed by Lawrence Ringo of Sohum Seeds. Harle-Tsu is a cross between Harlequin and Sour Tsunami and earned the highest CBD award at the 2012 Emerald Cup.

Unlike most marijuana plants, the CBD:THC ratio in this medical grade plant is actually reversed, with a 20:1 CBD:THC ratio. Given the low THC content, Harle-Tsu does not have a strong psychoactive or mentally altering effect. CBD concentrations for well-grown Harle-Tsu can range from 20-24%. Few plants, if any, are in this CBD range.

Dr. Brown typically recommend Harle-Tsu for patients with inflammatory disorders and chronic pain. It is also useful as an adjunct for relaxation and sleep without the mind bending effects that are found in Indica plants that bud tenders often unknowingly suggest to older patients. You will likely have to grow your own Harle-Tsu as few dispensaries carry this flower given its lack of commercial appeal.

As you may notice, few “medical marijuana” dispensaries in California actually carry medical grade strains, much less have any real familiarity beyond name recognition with CBD-dominant strains.

We have occasionally found Harle-Tsu seeds in the Los Angeles area at TLMD. Seeds can alternatively be ordered directly through Sohum Seeds if you are an in-state resident and part of the medical marijuana program in California.