Top 5 favorite comedians?


Well-Known Member
Damn...really tough to narrow it down to 5. It probably changes depending on my mood but here goes.

Rodney Dangerfield
Mitch Hedberg
Dave Chappelle (he's back baby! Going to see him live in New York)
Eddie Murphy
Louie c.k.
Special mention to brian regan though...that dude kills


Well-Known Member
Pablo Franciscos movie voice guy is one of my favorite bits of all time

I'd like to mention Doug Benson because he's a weed comedian I just wish he were funny

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
When I was a kid (like 9 or 10) I was on a sleep over at my best friends and we were going thru his Moms records and found Surfing Bird by the Trashman (score!) then we found Class Clown album by George Carlin. You want to talk about my mind blowing up, that was 1972 and it was like nothing I had imagined. I saved my money and bought one of my own, it was the first record I ever bought.

The first time I heard Sam Kinison was the last time I can remember laughing so hard my sides hurt

Red Foxx over Richard Pryor

I don't even know who Bill Hicks and Lenny Bruce were

Don Rickles

Doug Stanhope is just Raw

I cried a little when I heard Mitch Headberg died

Ron White
Bernie Mac
Joe Rogan
Gilbert Godfrey
Paul Mooney
Dave Chapelle

What was the question??


Well-Known Member
When I was a kid (like 9 or 10) I was on a sleep over at my best friends and we were going thru his Moms records and found Surfing Bird by the Trashman (score!) then we found Class Clown album by George Carlin. You want to talk about my mind blowing up, that was 1972 and it was like nothing I had imagined. I saved my money and bought one of my own, it was the first record I ever bought.

The first time I heard Sam Kinison was the last time I can remember laughing so hard my sides hurt

Red Foxx over Richard Pryor

I don't even know who Bill Hicks and Lenny Bruce were

Don Rickles

Doug Stanhope is just Raw

I cried a little when I heard Mitch Headberg died

Ron White
Bernie Mac
Joe Rogan
Gilbert Godfrey
Paul Mooney
Dave Chapelle

What was the question??
Similar experience, different generation. I was like 11 the first time I saw Eddie Murphy raw I remember me and my friends quoting all the bits at school, same thing with the diceman...
first time I saw chappelle was on Def Comedy Jam maybe in '94 and I said to myself "this guy is a fucking genius"