Top cola bent right over but did not break!!


Active Member
Not quite done... week 10 of a 7 to 9 week strain and brown hairs are just starting to show... cola bent right over last night but did not crack off... should I cut the main cola off and let the remaining buds finish or should I just let it hang where it is because its not snapped off?? any advice would be great!


Well-Known Member
you can keep her, straighten out and apply a bit of duct tape
bees wax is even better, it's what grafters use, less likely to have laying around though


Well-Known Member
neither, make a splint and tie her up. as the buds really pack on weight they can get too heavy for the branches to hold, its not uncommon really,alot of people have the cola actually break or worse. you'll be fine. you knows youve got major problems when the branches cant even support the buds since their so big.....j/k of course.