
Hell all,

Im a newbie, surprise! made a mistake and now i'm wondering if I can still use the soil somehow. I mixed up fox farms ocean forest 80%, earth worm castings 20%, and gia green bloom and grow. Not realizing i should of amended Promix HP not Ocean forest. I realize this is as HOT as HOT comes but can i use this as a dry amendment on top of my pots like 3-4 weeks in? Or should i just mix it with soil in a certain % to use on future graws? thanks in Advance!!!!

I'd probably brew some of it into a nutritional compost tea.. Just small batches, using a tiny bit of molasses to feed the microbes. You actually have a decent ratio with that mix, and some people use regular soil for their teas anyway.. Maybe even poor it over a thin top dressed layer of it as well, later though when they get hungrier.. Just tea for now though?
Too much worm castings (more than 25%) in my soil made it muddy. I don't know how much castings fox farm has in it. Top dressing with it should be ok. You could always thin it out and use it in an outdoor veggie garden. I left a container of gaja green outside in the small greenhouse and a raccoon got into it. He opened the sealed container and spilled the contents all over. He left his footprints in the dust. Busted.
Hell all,

Im a newbie, surprise! made a mistake and now i'm wondering if I can still use the soil somehow. I mixed up fox farms ocean forest 80%, earth worm castings 20%, and gia green bloom and grow. Not realizing i should of amended Promix HP not Ocean forest. I realize this is as HOT as HOT comes but can i use this as a dry amendment on top of my pots like 3-4 weeks in? Or should i just mix it with soil in a certain % to use on future graws? thanks in Advance!!!!

Run to lowes get some peat moss and cut it some more so its not so hot
Cheap and easy fix
I used 50/50 FF OF /pro mix hp cut with a bunch of perlite and it worked great !