So I'm growing for my first time but have been doing my absolute best to do plenty of research. I have 10 plants in a little grow box that I made and all are doing well from what I can tell, however I have 3 ak-47 plants that after about 4 days or so after they sprouted they began turning a deep purple after the first node with the seedling leaves. Pictures depicted below, I will include my other plants and will probably start a type of journal on here. Any help would be deeply appreciated, I just don't want my ladies to have any trouble. They all look healthy but this being my first time and I don't have allot to work with anyways I want to make sure I do the absolute best that I can.
My soil is a mixture of ash, charcoal, clay and veg conpost soil (I don't know what the little white balls are but they are good for the plants I know that) I feed plants with water that I have ground some of those little white balls into, (can see with plants below) as well as ground bones, and high composted soil to get a little extra kick for nutrients.
Lights: 3 30w 24" flourescents. Mix matched (I'm broke this is a free grow setup that I scraped together) one gro-lux, one daylight bulb, and one a warm white if I recall correctly.
Pot sizes are also mix matched, gimme a bit to get more redvines buckets
Also light schedule is 24hr don't know if that's important for my inquiry of not.
My soil is a mixture of ash, charcoal, clay and veg conpost soil (I don't know what the little white balls are but they are good for the plants I know that) I feed plants with water that I have ground some of those little white balls into, (can see with plants below) as well as ground bones, and high composted soil to get a little extra kick for nutrients.
Lights: 3 30w 24" flourescents. Mix matched (I'm broke this is a free grow setup that I scraped together) one gro-lux, one daylight bulb, and one a warm white if I recall correctly.
Pot sizes are also mix matched, gimme a bit to get more redvines buckets
Also light schedule is 24hr don't know if that's important for my inquiry of not.