Top half of ak-47 stalk turning purple

So I'm growing for my first time but have been doing my absolute best to do plenty of research. I have 10 plants in a little grow box that I made and all are doing well from what I can tell, however I have 3 ak-47 plants that after about 4 days or so after they sprouted they began turning a deep purple after the first node with the seedling leaves. Pictures depicted below, I will include my other plants and will probably start a type of journal on here. Any help would be deeply appreciated, I just don't want my ladies to have any trouble. They all look healthy but this being my first time and I don't have allot to work with anyways I want to make sure I do the absolute best that I can.

My soil is a mixture of ash, charcoal, clay and veg conpost soil (I don't know what the little white balls are but they are good for the plants I know that) I feed plants with water that I have ground some of those little white balls into, (can see with plants below) as well as ground bones, and high composted soil to get a little extra kick for nutrients.

Lights: 3 30w 24" flourescents. Mix matched (I'm broke this is a free grow setup that I scraped together) one gro-lux, one daylight bulb, and one a warm white if I recall correctly.

Pot sizes are also mix matched, gimme a bit to get more redvines buckets

Also light schedule is 24hr don't know if that's important for my inquiry of not.


Only one of my pics made it I guess so I will just post the rest here. Also would like to inquire as to whether root powder is a requirement or not when rooting clones? I didn't have a clone but the smallest of the plants that looks like it just reached out of the cup I will post it below, her head was buried while trying to sprout seedling leaves and in my folly I used a little stick to just try to pop her out and she broke right at where the root starts. I quickly took and exacto knife and cut a tiny angle with the little I could spare on her and replanted and that's how she's doing. I had no root powder but I also don't know if there was a sliver of root left or not and whether if there was if it would have actually grown back or not after having busted the right at the base of main root.
Having to upload photos to Google drive, sorry I guys I don't know why i can't upload them here. It let me upload the 1 out of 13 and haven't let me do any since.

If drive tells you that you don't have permission to view please let me know and I will fix for you.
Everything looks fairly normal, purple at this stage is fine.. you really need a lot more light tho..
Florescents shoud be run at 4" see if that helps..
I don't have any funds to help the grow setup at the moment, however I have a big list of things to get to finish putting a better one together and I'm working towards it. I have some hid lights that I will be installing here after some time, for the time being however I change the box shape and size with the plants for best light, it has been about 2 weeks since a big overhaul was done however.
Big plants have been going for a month, the AK plants have been going 2 weeks, the really short one was a random seed I found sprouted in my dirt bucket that I scrapped from a failed grow from a friend, and it miraculously lived so I'm letting it live its life even if it's not looking the best lol

And thank you for the welcome lol
Only one of my pics made it I guess so I will just post the rest here. Also would like to inquire as to whether root powder is a requirement or not when rooting clones? I didn't have a clone but the smallest of the plants that looks like it just reached out of the cup I will post it below, her head was buried while trying to sprout seedling leaves and in my folly I used a little stick to just try to pop her out and she broke right at where the root starts. I quickly took and exacto knife and cut a tiny angle with the little I could spare on her and replanted and that's how she's doing. I had no root powder but I also don't know if there was a sliver of root left or not and whether if there was if it would have actually grown back or not after having busted the right at the base of main root.

Rooting powder is not 100% necessary, BUT I recommend to use anything to your advantage when cloning. I personally dip the cutting in Rooting Gel, then dip it in Rooting Powder before planting it. I'm new but usually have around a 90% success rate with clones now (after 2 runs with 20% and 70% success rates).