Top leaves droop others are fine, help!


Evening all,
Little help please.
I have two plants in 3/4th week of flower, one is perfect but the other has developed drooping leaves, only at the top and next set down. The rest are healthy.
I'm growing in soil under cfl's.
I've recently added a low power heater as it's getting cold and too humid, it seems to be doing the job as temp is now 29c in light and 20c in the dark with humidity down to 50/55.
I have read as much as I can about drooping leaves but no posts seem to specifically detail my problem.



New Member
well lmao like they say a picture is worth 1000's words

if your top fan leafs are droopin and curling down check your humdity it may be to low


Checked humidity at the end of the lights on it was 37%, checked again mid lights off it was 60%.
I'll try to post a photo when the lights back on.


Active Member
are they drooping? or curling downward. downward curling is normally a sing of too much water, or too much side lighting


Looking even worse today, flushed just in case!
I got photos but my pc is busted, can I upload from iPhone? How?
Anyway I'll try to describe it in the meantime.
First the top leaves started to droop, some canoes too.
Then they started to get silvery looking spots.
Now they are looking pretty burnt.
Lower branches looked ok at first, but whatever it is seems to be spreading.
There is still new growth that looks healthy.
Also it's sister is fine, well apart from a little light burn but nothing serious.


Well-Known Member
sounds to me like a deficiency of some kind or an Abundant of something. is their any kind of nutes are you useing? and what kind of soil mix do you have, and waht is the PH of your water?


Both plants (1 cole train/1 chronic) are in John innes 2, originally a ph of 6.5. Grew plants for 8 weeks (about 18") then started reducing light hours over a 2 week period until 12/12, they both were very healthy looking and started flowering.
The symptoms described above only affect the chronic plant.
It's my first grow so I don't have any special ferts, just some flower bloom from the local garden shop.
I don't have a pH meter, so I can't tell you what it is now.
I'm using tap water left open for 2 days befor use, hard water in my area if that make any difference.
If pH is out because of nutes is it going to be higher or lower? And how do I change it?
Also, should I trim off the effected leaves?
I've got photos on my phone but can't upload from it and the pc is still dead!! Sorry I know the photos would really help me out here, I'm hoping some of you experienced guys can help me out before it's too late.


Well-Known Member should really try to get some kind of ph tester, you can usually get the dropper kind for like 4-7 us dollars, not sure where ur at. depending on your water source it can already be off from what you want your ph to be(generally between 6-6.8 but 6.5 is where u mostly want to be at) and mixing nutes might make it worse. I am only guessing this might be the problem because of the silver spots developing. Till you can a ph meter or tester if i was you i would chill out on useing the bloom ferts for like 5-8 days or so and see if you can notice a diffence in the curling. And i would only trim the affected leaves if its alot of damage done to the leaf, like most of it, then if so cut at the base of the leaf where it connects to the branch. But if its alot of leafs affected i wouldent trim too many, if any. And what kind of watering schedule do you have for ur crop ? alot of times curling downwards is caused by over watering.


Got pH tester and it's 6.8
I'm now sure the problem is over fertilisation.
But I've no experience so even though I read about it I couldn't spot it, and it didn't start like I read anyway and was only on the one plant.
I've flushed few days back, but the one plant still look bad.
Will it recover?
What can I do to return it to good health.

Thanks for the help dude.