top leaves yellowing


Hey guys, I am new to this and this is my first grow. It is a voodoo daddy clone. Using Kellogg soil, in a mylar grow tent with a 90 watt led light. Temp in tent ranges from 70-80. right now is 77. I had a problem with spider mites that I think are finally gone. I did not use food last time I watered but previous to that I used floranova grow. The plant is 27 inches tall. I don't have anything to test the ph so I do no know. Any advice?



thanks for the info. I don't know what to do as I think the bottom leaves have nute burn. tips are brown and leaves curling down into claw shape. So how do i take care of the top of the plant and not do more burn to the bottom?


Well-Known Member
Just getting back to you bro. Usually the the bottom growth that is burnt stays burnt, and since it is the first growth you think for your entire grow that the leave stays on that you have the same problem.
Unless, you notice that that spot that is burnt gets better or that it stops spreading.

After 4weeks of growth your plant should be able to take full strength nutes, and you can usually add the 1(usually its 1per gallon)tsp of cal/mag without burning it. Since you already have nute burn(or previously had it and you think the leaves repair(usually they fall off before they repair)you should of took down some notes to find out exactly how strong the ppm(an other measuring divice is measurement cups(usually measured with teaspoons)) was when you got nute burn.


I watered twice with floranova using one tsp per gallon and watered one gallon each time. I have a product called sweet, that contains 1.5 mg 2.0 sulfur and .06 iron. should i use it?