Top main bud leaves curling up ??


Well-Known Member
Its big bud regular seed that turned out to be a fem..... Been flushing for about 15 days now with plain water.


Well-Known Member
may be too close to your light?
if its done and your flushing expect to see things like this. your plant isnt going to look all that pretty after flushing.


Well-Known Member
may be too close to your light?
if its done and your flushing expect to see things like this. your plant isnt going to look all that pretty after flushing.
Not the light... Plant is in woods and was never getting more than 3 hours of direct sunlight a day... Now its done to an hour if its sunny out.


Well-Known Member
If its only the main cola, then its light or heat related, If its making its way through the plant it could be a pH issue, either way, if your flushing you only have what 3 days? i'd say it doesn't matter at this point


Well-Known Member
Does top bud look close to finishing just by the look of it ??? I know about tricomes just wondering.
looks pretty damn close to me from what i can tell. always hard to tell with pics. might be able to go a little bit longer though, it dont seem to be all the way flushed yet. if its in ground flushing takes a lot longer then it would in containers.


Well-Known Member
Still a lot of white pistols... Are tricomes ever 100% cloudy milky with many white pistols ???????? Top main cola in pics doesn't have many white pistols prob 75% amber pistols and 25% white.... Other buds have even more white pistols.


New Member
Some strains may still have white pistils, they can be harvested, but its not common. Check trichomes, see for yourself if they are ready.