Top soil mess up

I just found out that I was using top soil and not potting soil for my 2 week sprouts. What is the best way to get rid of the top soil and replacing it with potting soil? They are still in solo cups so should I just transfer it?


Well-Known Member
If they are still in the solo cups just make sure that when you transplant you do it into something good.

Make sure it is sterile as you dont want any nasty bugs in your soil from going cheap skate on the soil.

Okay thanks,
Just got some potting soil and mixed around 10% perlite with it. When I was transferring the plants, all the roots were in a very hard clump of soil. I tried my best to get the soil off and leave roots dangling, but in doing so, ripped some roots. Will this will not effect the plants that much? they are only 2 weeks old.


Well-Known Member
You should have left the soil around them and just planted the whole thing into the new soil. It would have only taken a few days for the roots to move out of the old soil into the new.

Depending upon how much of the roots you have damaged they may or may not survive.

Keep an eye on them you may get some yellowing on the leaves from transplant shock but hopefully you should be ok.

I think the top soil was actually restricting how the plants were growing. They were since sprout 2 weeks ago, but they look like plants (looking at grow journals) that were a little over a week ago that were correctly grown. They are only 1 and a half inches and about to get their 4th set of leaves. I have 4 going and 1 looks very sick and hopefully at least 2 make it.