Topped right?


Im doing a 12/12 from seed with an indica bagseed, and i topped after its first week, the new shoot was too small to pinch at the time so i used scissors, and it ended up kid of mangling the the top instead of having a nice even cut where the new shoots would have been, will this affect my 2 new shoots from growing out of the top?


Active Member
that looks kind of mangled
you may only get 2 tops

but i also had a top get burned by the light (bad). i decided to clone it
now i getting ready to harvest a 4 cola beast

time will tell :)


Lol thats awesome!! if u look really closely at the side view pic of the "v" there looks like theres a shoot on each side against the leaf stems but the new shoots dont grow on that side do they? and yep time WILL tell but im too damn anxious to see what happens lol