Topping at lights on or off


Active Member
So i guess this is the only question I have about topping. Should I top the plants when the lights come on, Half way through their "day" or at night? Plants are starting their 6th nodes now so i'll be topping within 24 hours.
This is just my personal opinion but i always try to do any stressful things such as topping/fim an hour or so into lights on. Give them a minute to wake up and get the growing part of there day going,then chop! and let them have maximum time in light to recover and start regrowth.


Active Member
Do a side by side experiment with different topping times, all other variables equal...

I think you will find no difference at all.

Its no good working off a theory that you just made up based on what you think the plant might be doing...
Hard evidence or nothing.