Topping During Flower Phase


Active Member

I have a quick question regarding the process of topping a plant ONE time during the flower phase. Is it advisable to attempt this process during the first week of flowering in order to get two cola as opposed to one?

Any feedback would be much appreciated!

Happy Smoking :weed:


Well-Known Member
No I would not ever do that, but what I have done and I have seen great results, I have fimed once they start to flower. What happens is the fim spot stops growing for 2 weeks, really freaks you out at first, then she grows a 4 headed bud with huge girth. I have done it many times for the sake of experimenting. Just when tshe starts to flower just fim the flower like you would in veg.


Well-Known Member
what's fim? or fiming? i mean i have topped my plants in veg and im 20 days into flowering can i still fim to get the trifecta


Well-Known Member
i think your too deep into fowering for fim
He's only one week in? How is that deep? Not even touched the water yet lol. Ok wait another week for your flowers to show at the tops, like buttons then fim.
Fim is when you snip off 2/3 of the very newest set of leaves. Like in veg you have to seperate the ones you can see to get to the new ones to fim. But when they start to flower you snip the little flower button, just a little not the whole flower, and it will be very small.

here is a pic below. I prefer fim over top By far.


Well-Known Member
Pick one spot and fim it when you see the flower starting to appear, do not take the whole flower off you will have a dead spot if you do. Watch what happens over the next 6 weeks. Very amazing.


Well-Known Member

I have a quick question regarding the process of topping a plant ONE time during the flower phase. Is it advisable to attempt this process during the first week of flowering in order to get two cola as opposed to one?

Any feedback would be much appreciated!

Happy Smoking :weed:
Did I miss something?


Well-Known Member
what's fim? or fiming? i mean i have topped my plants in veg and im 20 days into flowering can i still fim to get the trifecta
Have your plants started to flower yet? Are they still very small like buttons? If so take a risk and do one.

Hey Smoking baby I c now what your sayin, my bad.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah..only fimm and top in veg.
Try the fim in flower, just do one spot. I tryed it in 3 spots first time, then just the top half on a second and on a third I did the bottom half. All came out same results. 4 headed girthie buds.
I fim twice in veg so in the past I would have anywhere from 15-23 tops. I do the 3 month veg.


Well-Known Member
damn 3 month veg!! fuck i wish i had the space...

I like to do all that cutting shit in veg, because I want the branches to grow soon as flowering begins I stunt their growth so I need all the branch space grown in veg.

i might try what you've done on some of the "extras" i have growing around


Active Member
Try the fim in flower, just do one spot. I tryed it in 3 spots first time, then just the top half on a second and on a third I did the bottom half. All came out same results. 4 headed girthie buds.
I fim twice in veg so in the past I would have anywhere from 15-23 tops. I do the 3 month veg.

Thanks for the advice ‘GoldenGanja’, excellent diagram which illustrates the vital points of the planted needed for fim. We learn something new each day!



Well-Known Member
Hey Golden ganja im already seeing pistils coming out all the around the plant, and little bud spots are starting to show, even the ones other than the cola. Am i too late to do so? :peace:


Well-Known Member
Hey Golden ganja im already seeing pistils coming out all the around the plant, and little bud spots are starting to show, even the ones other than the cola. Am i too late to do so? :peace:
Pick one top and it sounds like you are ready, just snip a little of the top of the new emerging flower. You must have some below after the snip. Just do one and that way you can watch and see how it worls for suture grows.

Get back to me in 2-3 weeks and tell me whats up. It's pretty scary the first 2 weeks so don't stress. Also thats why I suggest just one spot so you don't freak out for 3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Pick one top and it sounds like you are ready, just snip a little of the top of the new emerging flower. You must have some below after the snip. Just do one and that way you can watch and see how it worls for suture grows.

Get back to me in 2-3 weeks and tell me whats up. It's pretty scary the first 2 weeks so don't stress. Also thats why I suggest just one spot so you don't freak out for 3 weeks.
alright golden ganja thanx i didnt wanna quite ag hood dropped on one of my plants and it was a lil stressed so i didnt wanna fim after all stress she's been thru...but what i did do is cut off the baby fan leafs starting to grow up close to a cola site. So in essence im letting the nodes right underneath a cola to grow at the same time as the main cola. Having this trifecta of a cola!!!! :shock: it seems like a logical approach to fimming


Well-Known Member
" but what i did do is cut off the baby fan leafs starting to grow up close to a cola site." Hmmm Let us know what happens from that.