Topping Question (Shiva Jack)


Well-Known Member
hey everybody!
I am currently flowering 4 plants and they are on their 11th day of 12/12. I would really like to top them but dont want to screw up the nugs. Do you think it will stress the plant out enough to notice a difference in the yield? or do you think it will have a larger harvest if i top them?


Well-Known Member
honestly i wouldnt top during flowering... usually top a day or two into flowering if ur gonna do it during 12/12

most of the time u top during vegg so that have time to heal n everything ya know i'd just let it go if its already 11 days in


Well-Known Member
My experience has been that topping in 12/12 is not a good idea. The plant never recovers enough to make up for the loss. Best to top while vegging, leaving a couple of weeks to re-groove before flowering. Try low stress training in 12/12- just bend the tall stalks over and hang a weight on them to keep them either arched down or horizontal. Be careful bending, find a supple spot and go slow.

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Hey Ivjay, you might have wanted to do any topping, fimming or LST, during your veg cycle. Once you veg the plant to the configuration your want, THEN 12/12.
You may hear other opinions, but thats the way it works for me.
Good luck & good grow.......BBbongsmilie