Topping Question


K, heres the deal. Hubby and I are debating whether our clone could be topped, and then rooted.

So, if she has say, 10 full nodes, and I topped at 4th-5th node down, thus leaving 4-5 nodes with growth, it should root just as if it were a side shoot??? Am I correct?? And would this adversely affect the original clone??

He worries that the stem would be less likely to root and remainder would not split as it would by pinching.

Whats the opinions of others we would like to know? :leaf:


Active Member
Your putting alot of thought into this.Cut the dang thing it grows how it grows.Getting clones from top do better.


Well-Known Member
Actually, I've found that the tops root better than any part of the plant. Maybe I'm just imagining it, but they always seem to root faster, and take off faster once they're rooted. I think it's because the hormone routing is already aimed towards vigorous growth, making the main grow tip the best option for cloning. Like i said, i could be imagining this, but that's still my logic, and I'm sticking with it.. :wink:

I've had 100% success with tops.


Thanks for the input so far, it's easing his mind. ;-)

This clone. (well plant) is gonna be a mother for future clones. She is 8" tall with 9th node beginning to open. Her mom is in full flower(pic).

