I wonder if anyones tried to grow gonga in a topsey turvey, u know one of those things where they grow tomatoes upside down. Man I kinda wanna try it just for kicks, who know may start a fad
i did four last year and they came out great! i started early and stripped down everything under the drainage hole and the plant that began to grow upright took off. I was worried about root rot from the drainage but nothing shitty happened....give it a shot!
i think what would happen is you would have to start it growing normal and then once its a decent size you could put it upside down and i believe it would just grow out to the edge and then grow upwards. if you trim that bottom stuff off and just let it bud where its facing up you shouldn't have a problem soaking your buds. i wanna try this but don't have a place outdoors to do it.
I grew a Romulan like that years ago. The plant grew upright towards the light. It was something to try, although I wouldn't do it again. It's pointless really.