Toronto seeds help


Well-Known Member
sorry if in the wrong spot

Im makin a trip to T.O and want to stop at some of the seed spots and restock what are some good cheap ones.I want to pay about 50 for a 10 or better 420 has some good ones but there sold out hoping there been some in stock when I go.

I was lookin at "sacred seeds" but theres some fine print about leagl this blah blah need you medicard now I dont have mine yet has anyone been there. do you need a card or what.


Well-Known Member
Don't know about a medicard... My sister went to Montreal, it was 190 _US for a ten pack of Sensi Seeds Super Skunk.

I was expecting to spend 50... To give you an idea.


Well-Known Member
Sacred seeds used to say they seal seeds in tamper-proof packages that are never supposed to be opened, that the purpose of selling them was purely for the purpose of seed collecting..
Now they say they need you to 'certify' that you will not break any laws, yet they outline nothing regarding acceptable forms of certification.. I haven't walked into there, but I don't foresee much difficulty..
Give them a call and listen really closely for bong gurgling in the background..:)


Well-Known Member
lol that would be great thats like on a grade nine trip to about 15 years ago I saw a bong shop and above all the windows where blacked out a industial fan was in one adn it reaked of pot like how fuckin dumb are the cops some times

but what do you mean certifi like sign "papers" or just saw I hear by sweat that I will not lol cough do any thing illeagal


Well-Known Member
Like this....

Cough, cough, cough... Ey buddie... Cough... Cough... Sure pal... Cough,cough... Okay friend... Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, whoosh! Cough, COUGHCOUGCOUGH

There's no friggn papers.