Total newbie please help me!!


:eyesmoke:This will be my first ever grow and i need a little help. I will be growing in a bedroom closet probally 6x8 i would say. im going to start as soon as my seeds come in the mail. i will be growing 3 maybe 4 plants White widow,skunk#1,blue hash, good beginer starains?? all fem seeds. anyway i just need to know if i will be able to grow 3or4 plants in that closet with a 4oo watt mh for vegg and a 400watt hps for flower?? can i just plant in a 5 gallon pot from seed and leave it in same pot or do i have to transplant them all??? how many days do i leave it in vegg after first 2 leaves come on plant 3 weeks to 1 month?? how and what nutes should i use during vegg and when should i start feeding them the nutes?? what nutes should i use during flowering and when should i start feeding the nutes after flowering starts?? o yeah and the closet will not have a intake and outtake system im hopeing i can just leave closet doors open so it wont get to hot possible to do that??? and how bad will smell be doing it like that with the strains i ordered?? blue hash, white widow, skunk #1. im sick of buying my medicine and im gonna grow my own! PLEASE HELP ANYBODY!!!


Well-Known Member
You should be OK with the 400W of each for 3 plants. As for soil I'm afraid I can't help you there, I'm a hydro man. General rule of thumb is you shouldn't feed nute for the first week or 2, your soil will probably have nutes in it. Make sure you add perlite so the roots don't get compacked. It's going to get quite hot in there without ventalation, have a fan going at all times. As for the smell, without outside exhaust, your house will start to reek during flowering. That's the best I ccan do...Hope it goes well for you....btw welcome to riu....Have fun.


Well-Known Member
first i dont have an intake or out take either keep doors open but have a occillitaing fan in there soil will already have feed for the about 5 weeks so like deetee says dont feed for the first couple of weeks and for veg i would veg for about 3 to 4 weeks and 7 to 8 weeks flower i use biobizz grow and biobizz flower but it does not conain all the nutes needed hardly got any mag in at all and yes they will stink alot look up something called ona gel it helps with smell works for me but its about £17 for one liter of the stuff and i would pot in small pots first then replant to their pot they will finish in hope the info helps


Well-Known Member
I dont agree ..

you will need some kind of ventilation to keep temps down ..
and to provide fresh air/co2 for your plants .. and so you can controle odour as it will stink ..

get sumthing like this:

you wont regret it ..

I had 90ish degress in my 9x3 and 8 high room .. it dropd to 85F with the ventilation (82F with a big Fan at the HPS)

I dont have to worry about doors open or windows for fresh air (will also be a problem for you once they flower.. they WILL need total darkness .. and fresh air doing the dark hrs)

and my hole appartment dont stink from my 2 plants anymore .. dont have to worry about that ..

best investment I did .. better then my 600W HPS ..

now with that said .. relax .. one question at the time .. your clearly did`t get them basic in order ..

try to read a few guids to get a basic picture on how to grow indoor weed plants .. will also help you undestand the answer you get and help you ask the right questions ..

try one of this:

boath are realy nice and easy guides .. use ½ a hrs please ..

about numbers of plants .. I would try 2 to start with .. will fit your 400w MH/HPS and you dont have to much to struggle with on your fist run ..

dont worry about strain .. as long as its weed ;) you will notice soon enough .. high spinkly plants with slim leaves are a sign of stavia or a stavia mix .. low bushy plants with tight nods and wide leaves is a sign of Indica ..

5 gallon pots will be a good size as end pot .. but I would sugges you to start in 1 gallon .. fist 2 weeks or so .. then give em fresh soil and more room in a 3 gallon for another 2 weeks .. then the 5 gallon .. give em a few days/a week to find ther feet/roots in the 5 gallon and then trow it in to 12/12 for flowering .. need fresh soil/more room for flowering .. plants will easily double in size fist 2-3 week of flowering ..

about nuts .. I dont feed fist two weeks .. after a few nods/leave points (4-5) I start slowly on nuts .. 1/4 strenges and move up slowly ..
try to find a nice start packet for soil/terra .. many hydro/grow stores online have a nice starter budget kit with small bottels with all you need for your fist runn .. I like the Plagron series .. have a nice packet deal at my store .. 35$ for a set with veg/bloom nuts .. and some nice stuff for the soil 5 small bottels in total ..

hope some of this help .. keep asking questions .. but please do some research yourself .. get the basic in order .. but in the end you will only learn by doing .. use the fist grow as a trail runn .. to learn and try out stuff ..


Awesome thanks for all the tipps and advise. now i just have to figure out my odor control problem and i think i will be ready to stat. does anybody know any good odor systems i can use that dont require me cutting holes in my landlords walls? i looked up ona gel but i cant afford to replace it once a month. i looked up on google youtube here everywere but i cant find any that dont ruquire cutting holes in the walls


Well-Known Member
The 400 will be fine with three plants but heat is without a doubt an issue. My closet is 15 x 20 and the 400 heats it up fast. I had to put an extra booster fan on the ac duct to blow more air in there.

Get happy frog soil it has nutes in it and you wont have to use anything until it is flower time. By then you will have enough research done to find a good bloom.

I start the seeds in a cheap dome I get at lowes, kids use them for growing stuff. Get the one that has the little string blocks. Once your girls sprout then you can cut those out and put right in the solo cup. This way you dont disturb the roots. Once in solo cup you are golden for a while. Make sure there are holes in the bottom, I water two to three times a day. I let the water run out of the bottom of the cup and then go back and check later. When you have a few nodes it is east to transplant from solo cup. I prepare the Happy Frog in the pot, get it moist, than dig a hole the size of the solo cup so I can slide it in and out. I dry out the solo cup soil and just take it out like a piece of ice and place it in the hole I dug in the pot. Now here is the thing I will get bashed for but it is up to you, I go straight from solo cup to the pot that it will live its life in. I get a big one over 10 gallons and then just water away.

Good luck and get some ventalation in that closet.

Have fun


Well-Known Member
If you are unable to modify the house you are living in, you may want to look into one of the many grow tents available at HTG. Or build a enclosure yourself. Either way without ventilation you are going to have problems. Heat and stale air will at the least severely stunt growth and often times will kill.

My grow box is basically a 3ft cube, 35" wide x 35" high x 23" deep for the grow area. The rest of the area houses my inline fan in a sound-reducing area. I am running 250w hps and during the cool months of the year things are ideal, but my grow this summer was a battle with heat and stunted growth pretty bad. In my opinion proper ventilation is one of the most important aspects of indoor growing, but is often overlooked in the planning process, leaving you to make emergency modifications mid-grow.

There are many threads in these forums that have a ton of info on ventilation and soundproofing. My advice would be, grab your bong and a couple choice nugs and surf the forums till your eyes go crossed.

Low profile

Active Member
What you need to do is get a job so you can get flex that'll run outside or exhaust and inside for cold air intake to keep plants frej and cold. Once they sprout throw em in soil. Don't use 5 gallon buckets yet. Use 2-3 gallon mine are white widow I got 5 and a clone runnin in 3 gallon buckets with 1 400 watt switchable mh/hps. I got a glass screen under my light with the exhaust fan to suck all heat from light so it
don't get hot in there.
If you sub
scribe to my grow you can see how I set up and grow it etc read my tips and shit