Well-Known Member
Hey All. Been a while.. family life been nuts.Kids no longer kids,heading off to Uni next yr, so will finally have time to get back into my hobbies.
Been growing outdoor for years, and the RIU crew always helped me out then,hoping you can do the same here.(Always had enough outdoor each yr to get me thru till next yr,but was given an led light not too long ago,so figured give it a go
I was given a nice (Illumitex NeoPar) 7 bar light . It has 2 * HLG320-24B drivers (with a dimmer cord,but not hooked to anything).I can't remember the type of led's.

.Prob is tho,only half the light works.(not just one side out other side work,but sporadic).
For the last week I have been googling,watching videos,reading forums,learning specs,how to build,and even how to use a wire

I am gonna try to type out all the diagnosis things a person who hasn't had a clue about leds last week (that would be ME
)did so far,and hoping someone can read and tell me if I did it right or wrong,and what next possibly.learning as I go here.
First thing I did was take cover off to find manufacture # and googled it ..

I then disconnected each led strip except 1 that I know works. I used the working plug into each strip,they all worked,so leds are good.
Then I disconnected 1 driver completely at both ends.(no in ,no out wires attached). and tried the light. I using the logic,if one is bad and I unplug the good one,the light shouldn't work at all.Still only half. Tried it with the other driver,disconnected first ) same half stayed lit.

So, took shrink tubing off "terminal thingy",to look for any burn marks on board or fuses,didn"t notice any but not good with that stuff anyways, So I've been spending the last 3 days trying to get a grasp on ohms/amps resistors/fuses,testing circuits..and I think I need to walk away for a day or two,Overwhelming and confusing myself more.

From what I THINK I learned its connected parallel (wires go from each led strip,then to a "terminal hub thingy" with fuses(resistors??) that are 2 amp) then back to the attached to bottom,one to top. It has jumpers in between each fuse,which is leaving me confused. ...The 2 drivers each run 320 wts 24 vlts. I'm not sure so far,correct me if wrong please,.
I've been coming to MY conclusion,that its either the driver gone or that board thingy blew some fuses.
This is a fairly large light and I dont think it was meant for my buddy's tent,but thats where he had it.I think it overheated,casuing some type of thermal runaway..popping fuses(but lucky enough to not pop led's) OR driver (from what I read about those types), going into a "failsafe"type mode and only letting certain amount of power thru but not enough to light whole thing.
I'm gonna order a replacement driver and try it (will be handy to have with these having 2 anyways...never know). But if its not the driver,I havent a clue about the other thing.even where to get a replacement one of may need help to build one.
Also thinking.... if got 2 drivers..14 strips of 3 ft led bars,already wired with clips. It may be a good idea to make 2 smaller lights out of it. Far from rich at the moment,so can't get into buying whole bunch new things. or I'd look into others as well
Thanks for time to read all this..and throw any suggestions ideas you have.
Been growing outdoor for years, and the RIU crew always helped me out then,hoping you can do the same here.(Always had enough outdoor each yr to get me thru till next yr,but was given an led light not too long ago,so figured give it a go
I was given a nice (Illumitex NeoPar) 7 bar light . It has 2 * HLG320-24B drivers (with a dimmer cord,but not hooked to anything).I can't remember the type of led's.

.Prob is tho,only half the light works.(not just one side out other side work,but sporadic).
For the last week I have been googling,watching videos,reading forums,learning specs,how to build,and even how to use a wire

I am gonna try to type out all the diagnosis things a person who hasn't had a clue about leds last week (that would be ME

First thing I did was take cover off to find manufacture # and googled it ..

I then disconnected each led strip except 1 that I know works. I used the working plug into each strip,they all worked,so leds are good.
Then I disconnected 1 driver completely at both ends.(no in ,no out wires attached). and tried the light. I using the logic,if one is bad and I unplug the good one,the light shouldn't work at all.Still only half. Tried it with the other driver,disconnected first ) same half stayed lit.

So, took shrink tubing off "terminal thingy",to look for any burn marks on board or fuses,didn"t notice any but not good with that stuff anyways, So I've been spending the last 3 days trying to get a grasp on ohms/amps resistors/fuses,testing circuits..and I think I need to walk away for a day or two,Overwhelming and confusing myself more.

From what I THINK I learned its connected parallel (wires go from each led strip,then to a "terminal hub thingy" with fuses(resistors??) that are 2 amp) then back to the attached to bottom,one to top. It has jumpers in between each fuse,which is leaving me confused. ...The 2 drivers each run 320 wts 24 vlts. I'm not sure so far,correct me if wrong please,.
I've been coming to MY conclusion,that its either the driver gone or that board thingy blew some fuses.
This is a fairly large light and I dont think it was meant for my buddy's tent,but thats where he had it.I think it overheated,casuing some type of thermal runaway..popping fuses(but lucky enough to not pop led's) OR driver (from what I read about those types), going into a "failsafe"type mode and only letting certain amount of power thru but not enough to light whole thing.
I'm gonna order a replacement driver and try it (will be handy to have with these having 2 anyways...never know). But if its not the driver,I havent a clue about the other thing.even where to get a replacement one of may need help to build one.
Also thinking.... if got 2 drivers..14 strips of 3 ft led bars,already wired with clips. It may be a good idea to make 2 smaller lights out of it. Far from rich at the moment,so can't get into buying whole bunch new things. or I'd look into others as well
Thanks for time to read all this..and throw any suggestions ideas you have.