Toxic Grow tents killing my plants


Well-Known Member
Guys im so fucked my plants are turning pale green they been is this piece of shit tent for almost a week im so stupid for not researching better before getting myself in this predicament. My babies where fine and healthy before i put them in the tent the just stop growing and changing color.
i bought it off ebay because according to the seller he makes it clear there NOT TOXIC and trusted him because he had good reviews idk how this guy is sold 68 of them but i should known something was up because all his listing are private.
I hope i can still save them im moving them first thing tmr morning.
i dont have a good cam to post pics but here are some pics from a previous post of someone who had the same proplem, my plants look exactly like his:

Two question for you guys please help here i will rep you, Can i use just the frame part of the tent (not pvc linen obviously) and just throw some panda film or tarp around it???? is tarp harmful anyone know? or panda film?

heres a link to the ebay auction please guys stay away from these:
Hi ya pall I'm having probs too can you tell me more to who was selling or what make as think mine is the sane but you link is down for eBay cheers!


Active Member
Most common problem in tents is temperature. Do you have a thermometer and hygrometer? where are they in the tent and what do they read? how big is the light ? aircooled hood?
thanks for your interest bryon209 plese check out my link, loosing all confidence on ability to grow, im updating pics now apart from todays which are changed again for the worse yet again any advice would be greatfull cheers