Transplant advise


Hello my fellow growers, I am getting ready to transplant for the first time. I've been growing in Mg Natures care organic soil..15.13.15 ..when i transplant should I get something for the roots or will it be too much for her??
Mycorrhizae ans or superthrive is great. But nothing is really needed. Also aloe vera gel (from the plant) is a good root hormone.( can also be used for cloning). And coconut water. A real coconut freeze the water in an ice tray drop a cube in your water your roots explode. Also drops ph and adds ppm
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Going from soil A to soil A cuts down on stress to the plant. I've used MiracleGro potting mix for decades and never had a newly TP'd plant fail.

Good luck, BigSteve.
Hormone powder help stimulate root growth. Doesn’t have to be extremely expensive either. Just sprinkle on the roots and in the hole where the new plant will be seated and you’re good to go.