transplant gone bad?


Active Member
so i transplated a clone i had to a bigger pot and after 3 days the leaves all curled up and turned yellow and shit so i cut em off. all of em. it seems to have started to regrow from where the former leaves were cut off, but i'm still curious as to why this might be...

i should mention i flushed the plant immediately before transplant..

any help or knowledge is appreciated.



Active Member
i gotta bump my own thread because i need some feedback from someone with experience because this is my first grow and because because because i hate to be ignored.

also i'm curious.

thank you,


Well-Known Member
without pics u r pretty screwed my friend. its hard to diagnose a problem without all the info. nutes, soil or coco, ph, ppms all of it. including pics so we can actually see whats going on.


Active Member
damnit..... i didn;t take any pics of what she looked like when all the leaves curled into themselves and turned yellow... i do have one of what she looks like now and i'll post it asap when i get home

i'd really be greatful for anything in the way of feedback when i get it on here in a little while...
i have some pics of what she was like before i transplanted and things were looking A.O.K. and i'll add them in with her current status

uhmm you could of stressed the plant when transplanting if you touched the roots or some of them got ripped etc. try to put up some pics

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
if you damaged the root system in any way shape or form ie; tore a few or ripped some out ....... it will cause the plant to wilt and stunt growth for a while. Give it a day or two and it will spring back to life if you didnt damage the roots to bad.

The yellowing has nothing to do with the stress, it soundslike its Nitrogen deficient to me.