Transplant Problem


I transplanted this plant into new mg because it was in an some old soil, and everytime I put it under the light or sun it stars to wilt and the bottom leIMG_0063[1].jpgIMG_0065[1].jpgIMG_0064[1].jpgIMG_0062[1].jpgaves died.


Active Member
why the rocks on top?also is that miracle grow soil?if it is i would have added perlite to it before trasplanting.i have used themg soil before and it needed the addition of perlite.then it worked ok


Active Member
the root system i think is pretty wet.and just not able to handle the load of the sun..i would keep under some flouros,till the rootsytem gets stronger.and easy on the water


Well-Known Member
If it's wilting under light, it's likely the soil's too dry. You're not one of those guys who's been terrified out of watering his plants thoroughly, are ya?lol :razz:


Well-Known Member
possibly root damage. feed your plants some root complex until they are stronger, in the mean time, weak flouros. (like cloning)


Well-Known Member
how many inches above plant would you say I should place the light?
It depends on what type of light you got

If you got Cfl`s then you can put them about 2 or 3 " above them

If you got some type of hid , hps or mh

Then just high enough where your not burning them and shit

you can use your hand for measurement

put your hand right over your plant and leave it their

if your hand gets to hot or uncomfortable then your plant feels the same way