ok, this is my transplant technique and hasnt failed me yet, not one plant lost.
5 gallon bucket tap water ph 6.0 - 6.5 , 20ml Veg Nute or Low dose of your Veg Base Nute. and also Bud Karma from botanicare. because it helps with root growth and plant stress. i water the bucket of dirt im about to put the plant in make sure theres plenty of run off, water the plant to soak the dirt. squeeze the edges of the pot to loosen it up and it should slide right out just by tipping it slightly sideways. then right into the pot, backfill and water a little more to make sure all the dirt in the pot is saturated. ive never lost a plant to this method. and hardly ever see any drooping. which means very little stress has been put on the plant during this transition.