Transplanted clones into grow cubes... most still 'limp' after 36 hours, help!

So, getting a little worried about the girls.

I took in a batch of Grand Daddy Purple clones on Sunday evening. They came in a bag, just the plants with roots hanging out. So over the next 4 hours I feverishly 'edited' my 6" grow cubes by cutting holes in them, dragging roots through, trimming the roots some and refilling the cube material as best I could.

A few have 'spruced up' and look fine, but the majority are still limp to varying degrees. I've been vegging them for 18 hours on/6 off.. some are being vegged with a 210W T5 lamp (about 2.5' above the plants) and the rest are under a 600W HPS light (which is 3.5' above the plants).

I've watered all the plants about 3 times.. trying to be careful not to drown them early. They have a pretty light mix of CNS Grow 3-1-2, Big Bud, and Hydrozyme mixed in (all titrated about 1/3 the bottle's recommended strength... TDS is about 300-350ppm, pH in the 5.5-5.75 range).

Its been hot recently, but I've been very careful to give them tons of ventilation, and the A/C is blowing like crazy right now... room temperature is probably averaging in the high 70s and its supposed to cool off this weekend.

Anyway... what can I do to get these suckers happy? I was told I should bring the lights a bit closer, so I'm going to go get some more chain and redo that in an hour or so. As far as watering... how often should I be doing this? Is there a chance I need to 'edit' the grow cubes any further?
