Transplanted into ground need a few opinions

I was using a five gallon bucket MG moisture control and using MG tomato plant food 18-18-21 also started using some Plantation Unsulphured Blackstrap Molasses.....I moved the bucket and noticed there were roots starting out the holes for drainage so I dug a hole about tree times as big as the bucket and two feet (give or take)deep....I watered with some Molasses after adding couple more bags of plain (probably no good) potting mix and used the extra dirt to build a mound about 8"-10" up the main stalk and now it has been raining nonstop for two days...Getting to the point how much stress will this cause to my girl? If any,I let the soil dry out good before I transplanted...I am about three or so weeks into flower and need to know how long after this rain stops do I wait to water and apply Green Light Super Bloom Flower Food 12-55-6 with 0.10% Chelated Iron She good and healty(sorry can't post pic's) and seems to have gotten more girth in just a couple days would it be ok to add nutes now or would it be a waste?


As long as your ground has good drainage you should be fine and with all the extra soil you put you should have good drainage. Next time you can use a bed of rocks for better drainage if you live where it consistently rains. On the nutes, I dont use mg but people that ive talked to say to use it half strength because its so potent. Id at least wait till the top couple inches of soil is dry before I watered again, but thats just me. Good Luck hope it didnt stress her out too bad.
As long as your ground has good drainage you should be fine and with all the extra soil you put you should have good drainage. Next time you can use a bed of rocks for better drainage if you live where it consistently rains. On the nutes, I dont use mg but people that ive talked to say to use it half strength because its so potent. Id at least wait till the top couple inches of soil is dry before I watered again, but thats just me. Good Luck hope it didnt stress her out too bad.
Yeah I'm gonna get good drainage I think If it will just stop raining...I'm done with the MG though going to use the Bloom nutes I mentioned anyone had any luck with that? Thanks nugz