Transplanted plants show weird symptoms after 1 week


Hi docs,

I guess the problem started with watering my plants right after transplant. Their soil is still wet after 8 days... Now its getting better and 2 days ago they started growing again. Their leaves act like there is hot inside but i think 28c is not that much. Lets pictures talk...

Why their new growths pointing upwards? Light is really near to them..


Overwatering symptom after 8 days since watered. It started drooping yesterday... (soil is damp now and not wet anymore. She started absorbing water like 2 days ago.)

So what to do now? Im affraid of root rotting....


Strain: Nirvana Northern Lights
Light: 250W CMH 18/6
Medium: BioBizz All mix
Nutes: BioBizz Grow so far
Age: 40 days old!!! They were growing nice for 1.5 weeks in their small pots then they stunted and started showing deficiency yellowing that i related with killing all living things in this organic soil with balancing water ph with nitric acid. So i transplanted them to new big pots after i realised that...


Well-Known Member
i see alot of problems but none are what your worrying about your creatig your problems by thinking too much...first off those plants are ready for the 5 gallon buckets at that size. you should have gone straight from a small container the size of a party cup to the 5 gallon. that is a main reason for the stunted size from what i see. you have the beginnings of a nitrogen deficiency or possibly magnesium but not likely most likely its nitrogen....course of action - repot those directly to a large container (unless by already had you meant after the pics were taken) into some fox farm soil preferably but any different soil would be ok (just to rule out any soil issues). then water the plants slowly and evenly until all of the medium is saturated with distilled water or water that has been left out at least two days add to that water whatever veg nutes you are using..watering will then occur between every 2 and 5 days depending on conditions and feeding as close to once a week without having to water early or late as possible. so now they are in their final pot, they have been fed, watered, light is adequate, hopefully they have a fan blowing on them indirectly, thats all their is to it everything else is just nature!! always make sure the plants have the basics water, room to grow, light, proper temps....oh and it doesnt matter how close the light is btw plants have what are called auxins which work with other systems and chemicals to tell the plant which way is up so new shoots will always point upward...dont get that light too close thinking thats bad and wind up burning it!


thanks for your quick and detailing answer Kermit! They were in 0.3dl pot before for 3 weeks (that was probably the reason why they started yellowing)
then i transplanted them into 10L pots (around 2 gallons) 8 days ago. Its supposed to be their final pot cause im about to switch the light to flowering cycle. U say 2gallons pot is not enough for 6 weeks in flower (thats the suggested flowering time from Nirvana) ? Unfortunately my room offers very limited space i could barely place those five 2 gallon pots.


Well-Known Member
oh my my lol...ok so thats also part of the reason for the stunting they likely became rootbound from the small containers...i germ a bean, party cup it for like a week to two and then straight to a five gallon because once you switch to flower you shouldnt be repotting and the companies flowering times are never accurate always plan on having to go an extra two weeks or so especially if they are claiming six weeks! so a bigger pot is always a safer bet. also no.. no your not going to be flowering soon need to right those problems and let those plants grow a bit more before you flower them or you wont get very much bud at at should let a plant reach AT LEAST a foot before switching to flower...if you dont have enough space to reach that size and keep the light a safe distance and temps down still you are running an experiment that you can learn from but you will not attain a good amount of killer pot and in some cases can fail all need to have the proper room first, large enough to maneuver and control the climate in. then after that seems like your on the right track at least....i know everyone has to learn im not trying to be harsh just trying to cut out some of the things i wasted so much time getting the feel for for other people


i have no doubt about your skills and experience but i have to manage with the available space and the 5 plants at the moment. Ill grow less plants in bigger pots next time.
Ive read on other forum you can flower in 2 gallon pots but u can veg only still they reach 10"-12" then switch to flower. This guy (PitViper) have 3979 post so he seems reliable. Not sure if its allowed to link to another forums here. Anyway, I have no big expectations im fine with 1oz/plant only, if its possible under the present circumstances.


Well-Known Member
you can get away with using a two gallon but you really need to have a good understanding of root structure relative to plant growth i advise and also do use a 5 gallon immediately when the plant is about 4-6 inches so that if maybe my plans change and i flower late or if one plant just takes off their are no worries about root space, just takes out a possible kink in the equation so my advise is based on ease of operation and after a few successful grows when you have a very good understanding of the plant then you can start tweaking things how you like and being alot more precise...but thats just my opinion if you wanna jump in balls deep go for it the biggest problems i see with being able to yield an ounce is going to be something i overlooked yesterday because i didnt want to go look up the conversion for big is your room and is it sealed always or opened up when the lights on and is it ventilated?? your temps are too high...a buddy of mine wouldnt correct his heat issue and just let the plants flower at about 85f....they stretched,they didnt produce trichs, threw out a male flower. seeded, and then the seeds stalled likely due to high temps or low moisture during germination of the pollen so it was full of was garbage, absolute waste of time.. i warned him this is a big problem but he thoguht eh they can sit under the sun at 100 degrees why is this a problem im leaving it and he paid with wasted time and electric..the temp might not be high in your eyes but the intensity and focus of the temp will stress the plants to a halt...if your staying in the two gallons you will be fine because you arent going to get any more growth right now with these issues most likely.. just make sure to get those guys fed properly and get the temp down to 75f that is the sweet spot and if you are flowering this week you will likely be able to pull off a half zip per plant maybe..this is all just my opinion here ..maybe i can get some likes if ppl agree or someone else can chime in hopefully but id do the same as im advising you to do. oh and are you switching to hps for flowering i hope?