Transplanted two days ago


Placed in 5 gal pots with Ocean forest soil. Temp 65-73 under a 400w MH at a height of 20 inches. No nutes for 3 days. I'm seeing some curling which may have been from my light being to close prior to transplant. Just a bit concerned. How long before they get back to normal? DSCN0614.jpgDSCN0613.jpgDSCN0615.jpgAny suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Do not worry....
The bottom/under leaves may turn yellow/from handling, transplant issues...
Top growth looks nice and green...
Keep on keeping on, and turn down the worry meter....
Good Luck...


Well-Known Member
Plants can take one to two days come out to shock from transplanting. The shock is usually mild is yours looks like it was.
Like Sandy4 said, turn down the worry metering keep growing they look great.