Transplanting clones from soil to soil



I recently received some Kush/White Widow clones.

I made the mistake of using Scott's soil. They have been in the soil for over a week. Although they haven't died the old leaves are yelllow. They haven't really grown since being put into the soil.

The cuttings were in a peat moss cube when put into the soil. Can I take the entire plant out of the pot, wash the soil off of the roots and transplant into Fox Farm soil?

Is there anything special i should do?


Active Member
I am a brand new grower myself but from what i hear yes you can. Very carefully.Hey maybe you can help me. When you get clones in the cup from the store when you transplant can i use a lil nutes or should i wait and just ph the water? putting them in 3 gallon pots.


Undercover Mod
Just so the least amount of damage to root system as possible. Don't try to remove all of the soil that can only harm the plant.


Undercover Mod
Stay away from nutes when they are young because nitrogen can adversly effect the rate of root growth when a plant is young.


Repped, thanks guys.

So no washing off the roots or anything? The reason I ask is becuase I've read the roots should be flushed to get rid of any fert. Widows in general seem to be very sensitive.