Transplanting clones


Well-Known Member
Can clones that are rooted in rockwool under 18 hour lights be put outside in potting soil? Any help would be greatly appreciated


New Member
Can clones that are rooted in rockwool under 18 hour lights be put outside in potting soil? Any help would be greatly appreciated
most definitely .
but for future reference if you wanna put clones in soil then get them rooted in peat moss pellets instead of rockwool...i think peat moss pellets with soil is so much better then rockwool and soil


Well-Known Member
yeah but its so hard to find clones when i finally got them I couldnt be picky. Should I put the clones inthe shade for a couple of days? How often should i use the rooting hormone? daily?


New Member
u can put them in the sun see how they react and if they look wilted put them in the shade or w/e

what the hell do u need the rooting hormone for ? your clones already have roots


Well-Known Member
i used the rooting hormone to prevent shocking them from the transplant process. They had a good nite so hopefully they all do really well. Thanks for the info


Well-Known Member
Clones rooted in rockwool is no differant than any other medium,if anything rockwool is far better it don't make no differance what so ever has long has the clone has legs.i would sart by putting them outside for a few hours at a time.say a couple of hours then bring them in the next time leave them a little longer then plant outside this will harden the plants off.good to hear the great outdoors will be full of ganja.i do an outdoor grow every year at least 20 plants and this is the way i get my plants used of the great outdoors.


Well-Known Member
i agree w/tyke put em outside for awhile, take em back in, gradually increase time outside

try to find a spot where they don't get direct sunlight during the hottest part of the day, while there young that is


Well-Known Member
should i mist off the leaves daily? and if so is distilled water ok? they are in the shade and only one has started wilting so far. I hope it toughens up and the others still look healthy but it has only been a day


New Member
should i mist off the leaves daily? and if so is distilled water ok? they are in the shade and only one has started wilting so far. I hope it toughens up and the others still look healthy but it has only been a day
from what i read you are suppose to.. i did for my clones until they got older..

Noble Gas

Well-Known Member
Are you using a dome? If you are you should slowly introduce them to different environments. Changing the environment drastically can shock the clone and it could die.

I only used one dose of rooting hormone during the initial cutting. So far my surival rate has been better than expected. I've taken about 30 cuttings and all of them rooted successfully and have been transplanted. Only one bit the dust and it was the runt of the batch.

After I transfered the clones to pots, I left them inside for a week under 24/7 light to settle in. Then I would put them outside but not in direct sunlight at first. Pretty simple and successful the girls are loving it outside right now.

Good luck