Transplanting DWC into coco chunks?


Active Member
I'm going to flower soon and will have to take some cuttings. I plan on building a veg box for this with DWC inside. I'd like to DWC grow till I have a foot or so roots then strait into 5 gal. nurscery pots with coco chunks.? Does anyone see any problems with this coco seems to cause very little stress?

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Coco chunks will be fine. As in croutons and such ? Thick pieces and squares ?
It's the fine grade coco you don't want. Might fall through.
I use a Rapid Rooter plug for my seeds, then into the net pot.
They are made from coco fiber and don't pose a problem, like with ph and over watering like rockwool.
Basically a big ass coco chunk too ! lol

You can go right into the bucket with the pot too.
Just make sure it fits.
Seen another grower do this on another forum.
6" square pot with coco croutons, into bucket.
Same massive root development.

Actually, you do have to treat those coco chunks and croutons.
Good info on it at breed bay .com ! There's a coco sub-section. READ IT !!