TRansplanting in 5th week of flowering, soils detroying plant. NEED HELP

Hey I have a few quick questions. SO today i will be picking up some FFOF soil for my girl. Shes budding and probally 3-4 and a half weeks til finnish time. But because of some severe nute burn thats only getting worse due to this ridiculous time realease soil, I need to know is flushing then taking the plant out to replace to soil okay? Will it hurt yeild or kill my plant? Im in a 1 gallon and cant go any bigger. So what should I do to get her into a new medium as safe as possible?"???


Well-Known Member
If your plant is 5 weeks into flowering in a one gallon pot, it is assuredly root bound and would be very difficult to replace soil without damaging roots. THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO TRANSPLANT! Flusflush flush, only transplant if you're sure that the soil cannot be salvaged. Smaller yield might be better than none if something goes wrong.