

Well-Known Member
So i tried to transplant my plants into a bigger pot a couple minutes ago and i completly failed! The plant tipped over because i did it wrong and the roots were exposed! I kinda paniced and i managed to transplant them into bigger pots they look fine but only time will tell. Do you guys think im screwed? I mean the roots were completly exposed. I had to kinda hold up the plant while i put more soil to stabalize it. :wall:


Well-Known Member
The plants should be fine, the worst that could happen is it might slow down your plants growth for a bit, a week or 2 maybe. Give the baby a little watering and she should be fine. :mrgreen:


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
ya just give it ph'ed water after youtransplant. she will take off again in a few days.

Brick Top

New Member
You will be fine. We do bare root transplants at our nursery often when something has certain problems so we use a hose and rinse off all the dirt totally exposing the roots and pot plants are as tough if not tougher than most if not all the things we grow so unless you managed to actually damage the roots you will not have a problem by just exposing them.

General Kush

Active Member
I have a similar problem lol, just transplanted it and none of the soil stuck, exposing all the roots and i panicked and shoved it in a bigger pot and called it good... Now im sitting beside it to make sure nothing bad happens lol... I think i kinda bundled up the roots and buried them in a small hole... Cant really remember because i was panicking and moving so quick. Hopefully she turns out fine!

Brick Top

New Member
I have a similar problem lol, just transplanted it and none of the soil stuck, exposing all the roots and i panicked and shoved it in a bigger pot and called it good... Now im sitting beside it to make sure nothing bad happens lol... I think i kinda bundled up the roots and buried them in a small hole... Cant really remember because i was panicking and moving so quick. Hopefully she turns out fine!

If it happens in the future don’t panic. Try to spread the roots out though, sort of hold the plant in one hand with the roots dangling all over the inside of the pot and then use the other to put in the soil and it will fall between the roots and then bury them and they will be more spread out and it will be better but your plants will be ok.

I don’t know how you guys repotted, as in how you removed your plants from the pots but in the future try to let your soil get fairly dry so it will cling to the root ball more than soft soggy soil will. Then put your hand on the top of the soil with the stem of your plant between your first and second finger and then turn the pot/plant upside down and tap the edge of the pot on something like a countertop or work bench or something and the soil and root ball should all just slide out together. Even if the soil is moist and some of it falls off most will still likely stay around most of the roots.

The last thing you want to do though is grab the stem and yank like some people do. That is the easiest way to separate your roots from the soil there is.


Well-Known Member
I have a similar problem lol, just transplanted it and none of the soil stuck, exposing all the roots and i panicked and shoved it in a bigger pot and called it good... Now im sitting beside it to make sure nothing bad happens lol... I think i kinda bundled up the roots and buried them in a small hole... Cant really remember because i was panicking and moving so quick. Hopefully she turns out fine!
Yup exactly what happend to me. lol Hopefully she turns out fine :)

Thanks for everyones input! my hopes are high