

Hey Guys, just for references this is my first grow so im learning everyday. Ive had my seedlings outdoors for about 2 weeks and they are doing well. about 2-3 inches tall. Had a few problems with some bugs noming on them, but it is taken care of and they are recovering. currently they are in 3 inch ceramic pots. even though i am growing outdoors i am keeping them potted for movable purposes. i do plan on transplanting them into 3 gallon containers and that will be there final home. My question of course is when should i transplant them into the 3 gals? i dont want to do it too soon but also dont want to stunt growth


Well-Known Member
you're probably going to want something a little bigger than 3 gallons man. I would give it a little more time though. 2-3" tall seems a little small for 2 weeks old plants.


you're probably going to want something a little bigger than 3 gallons man. I would give it a little more time though. 2-3" tall seems a little small for 2 weeks old plants.
i think i had some growth issues due to some bug infestation, but i have controlled the problem and they are back to growing again. im going to post some pictures so you can see. some of the plants lost whole leaves from bugs but are re growing now. but i didnt want to do 5 gallons because of how big they would get. i am in a pretty secluded area but they are still going to be on my back porch and i want to keep them a reasonable size. and this is primarly i test grow to see my yields and gain some experience before growing a large amount of plants outdoors. please keep up with criticism and pointers :-P


Active Member
If you can keep the pests away (snails, slugs) they might be ok. try to get them as much direct sun as possible :cool: , also they are probably ready for 1 gallon pots . when they fill up a pot and get rootbound, they grow more slowly. starting indoors would protect them from pests but they should be Ok outside if they get sun and regular watering


If you can keep the pests away (snails, slugs) they might be ok. try to get them as much direct sun as possible :cool: , also they are probably ready for 1 gallon pots . when they fill up a pot and get rootbound, they grow more slowly. starting indoors would protect them from pests but they should be Ok outside if they get sun and regular watering
So there are alot of different posts that say only transplant once to your main pot size. should i slowly work my up from the jugs they are in now to a 1 gallon then my 3 and finally a 5? they are also browning on the leaves. please help! they get about 14 hours of sun right now being outside and are watered perfectly.


Active Member
3 inch pots are pretty tiny, if you have good dirt and pots you could go straight to the 5 gallons. if you go to a 6 inch pot you can check the roots when transplanting, they should be bright white and there should be a lot. then in a couple weeks or a month you can move up and check the roots again. if they were healthy it would make more sense to go to their final pots now. 14 hours of sun, some of that is indirect right, they aren't in direct sun from 6am to 8pm are they?
they can't stay in the little pots. if you transplant and they get worse there must really be a problem. they need at least 6 hours of sun to grow right just maybe not as much as seedlings. put them in a shady spot under cover for a couple hours see if that helps. new growth is the key. a 1/4 dose of fish fertilizer or tiger bloom every couple days, occasional mist from a spray bottle, things you can try. just be careful after you transplant make sure you don't get the underside of the leaves dirty or soon there will be insect pests . one or 2 of them look alright, but the next couple weeks will be a growth spurt or they will die


3 inch pots are pretty tiny, if you have good dirt and pots you could go straight to the 5 gallons. if you go to a 6 inch pot you can check the roots when transplanting, they should be bright white and there should be a lot. then in a couple weeks or a month you can move up and check the roots again. if they were healthy it would make more sense to go to their final pots now. 14 hours of sun, some of that is indirect right, they aren't in direct sun from 6am to 8pm are they?
they can't stay in the little pots. if you transplant and they get worse there must really be a problem. they need at least 6 hours of sun to grow right just maybe not as much as seedlings put them in a shady spot under cover for a while see if that helps. new growth is the key. a 1/4 dose of fish fertilizer or tiger bloom every couple days, occasional mist from a spray bottle, things you can try.
Thats just how long we have sun out this time of year. they probably get about 7 hours of it where they are. and ill make the jump to their final pots and hopefully they survive. i have good miracle grown moisture control potting soil that i use. did they look to bad or think they can recover?