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hello everybody I'm just wondering if anyone has any first hand knowledge on flying with their medicine.I'm not looking for opinions I'm looking for people that have first knowledge on this topic. I'm flying to Hawaii next week on my honeymoon for 10 days and I'm just wondering if anyone travels alot. I want to enjoy my honeymoon with no regrets. I'm flying out of Washington direct to kuaii. thinking about either just putting some in a cosmetic jar with all my other cosmetics or possibly vacuum sealing a small amount and stuffing it in a sock in my checked baggage. everything I've read leads me to believe that they're not looking for marijuana they looking for explosive materials so chances of them searching my bags are slim. I might possibly have two hook ups in kawaii and if that works then I won't even bother but if that doeas fall through for me than I'd like to have Bring some. Although I would really like to try some Hawaiian pakalolo. Please chime in if you have experience with flying with herb